Group accident insurance

Is it important to you to secure your employees?

Flexibility Danger groups 24 hours protection Tax benefits Premium benefits Groups of individuals
Gruppen-Unfall- Versicherung

Anyone is at risk of suffering an accident at any time. If it happens while working, it is normally covered by statutory accident insurance. However, with work journeys, it is often difficult to distinguish whether the journey in question is directly work-related or not, and it is not unusual for this to be resolved in court. Group accident insurance provides certainly here.

It consists of modules that you can put together according to a group of people such as apprentices or workers, individuals, for the entire team including family members, or the entire company.

And even the small businesses can benefit from the favourable rates of this group accident insurance.

Arrange a meeting

Benefit from the protection of group accident insurance even as a small company of three or more people!

In an emergency, we are there for you and your employees – with fast payments for the agreed types of benefits

The advantages of group accident insurance

What do you have for advantages as an employer?

  • Comprehensive 24-hours protection against economic damages, professionally as well as personally.
  • Cover for small companies as well.
  • Flexible customization of modules and amount insured.
  • Customized compilation of people insured
  • The closing of supply gaps.
  • Favourable tax treatment, due to operating costs.
  • Employee retention by taking over the contributions.

What do you have for advantages as an employee?

  • Free insurance coverage, if necessary, also for relatives.
  • 24-hour protection, even outside the working hours.
  • The suitable cover for your workplace and life situation.
  • Optional assumption of favourable insurance rates.

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Gruppen-Unfall- Versicherung
Is it important to you to secure your employees?

Group accident insurance

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