Workplace pension (bAV)

What is important to you when you think about your pension provision?

Tax benefits Supply gap Employer subsidy Flexibility Survivors cover Safety
Betriebliche Altersversorgung (bAV)

Today, wide changes have occurred in life of all people. Your Employees follow a healthy lifestyle by taking care of themselves, eating healthier and doing more exercises. However, life is getting more expensive, and it is getting harder to pay for necessities.

So, what about our insurance? The public pension might not be enough to live on and certainly not to maintain your lifestyle anymore.

The company pension covers part of this pension gap, takes advantage of the attractive employer subsidy, offers tax benefits and can easily be taken with workers when they change employer. As a leader in pension and retirement strategies, we DVM work with our clients, providing them with advice and solutions that aim to enhance financial security and deliver better outcomes.

Arrange a meeting

We close the statutory pension gap for your employees.

The advantages of a workplace pension

What advantages do you have as an employer?

  • Engagement and motivation of qualified employees.
  • The maintain of a good reputation.
  • Business safety and security.
  • Providing better organization and management measures for your company.

What advantages do you have as an employee?

  • A life-long pension.
  • Filling the pension gap.
  • Cover for surviving dependants.
  • Ideal use of the state and the employer subsidy.
  • Flexibility, as insurance rates can be adapted to individual circumstances.

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Occupational disability insurance (bBU)

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Keyperson insurance

What do you think about flexible and sustainable personnel management?


Gruppen-Unfall- Versicherung
Is it important to you to secure your employees?

Group accident insurance

Betriebliche Zusatzleistungen
How can you switch your tax-free benefits for your employees into a win-win situation?

Supplementary benefits

Betriebliche Altersversorgung (bAV)
What is important to you when you think about your pension provision?

Workplace pension (bAV)

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