Our experts in the corporate retirement planning

Lars Falkowski

DVM manager/ executive/director
Expert in company pension schemes.

„Seeing the development of my own success every day and being happy and fulfilled in my work was the reason I joined DVM. This is something, I have been day after day since then able to experience.“
Lars Falkowski - Geschäftsführer DVM, Experte betriebliche Altersversorgung

Mario Kozuch

DVM manager/ executive/director
Expert in company pension schemes.

„After many years as an insurance expert, I can look back on our countless positive moments. We have a wonderful job owing to the fact that we can help people and companies – in severe loss situations and with sustainable life planning.“
Mario Kozuch - Geschäftsführer DVM, Betriebswirt betriebliche Altersversorgung

Uwe Hartmann

DVM manager/ executive/director
Expert in company pension schemes

„Listening attentively, paying close attention, and explaining complex topics and complicated matters in a comprehensible way – that´s what insurance and financial matters are all about. Our corporate and private customers appreciate that.“
Uwe Hartmann - Geschäftsführer DVM, Experte betriebliche Altersversorgung

Dominik Farrenkopf

Expert in company pension schemes

„Secondary and dangerous illnesses main to expensive costs for the companies. I would advise all of our corporate customers to take a Keyperson-Insurance for their workers, so that they deny all over costs and protect their company. “
Dominik Farrenkopf - Experte betriebliche Altersversorgung

Martin Samhammer

Specialist in company pension scheme

„The demographical change belongs nowadays to one of the most important subject. We close with the pension scheme all the supply gaps. This is meaningful, and I have a positive sense of making a significant contribution to our customer’s future.“
Martin Samhammer - Spezialist betriebliche Altersversorgung

Sebastian Zeh

Expert in company pension scheme

„Many of our corporate customers have recognised that the occupational disability pension is more than just a form of cover: it offers unique features and tax benefits. This often brings a smile to their faces during the consultation – and this is genuinely satisfying.“
Sebastian Zeh - Experte betriebliche Altersversorgung

Florian Karakasch

Expert in company pension scheme

„Managing personnel can be complex, especially when it comes to personalized working models. I take pleasure in providing our clients with full services for time value accounts.“
Florian Karakasch - Experte betriebliche Altersversorgung

Vanessa Hummel

Specialist in health and long-term care insurance

„When our corporate customers realise that they have suddenly become even more attractive as an employer, this often has to do with a tailor-made company health insurance policy. I am amazed at how our concept is accepted and works.“
Vanessa Hummel - Spezialistin für Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung

Sebastian Strache

Specialist in company pension scheme

„Many companies are unaware of how much money they can save by sensibly combining coverage, protection, benefits for all, and tax advantages. This is exactly where I am happy to assist: with good advice and customized proposals..“

Alexander Faber

Specialist in health and long-term care insurance

„Additional company benefits are tax-free extras with advantages for you and your employees. My tip: combine alternative salary increases or reward systems with employer branding and image enhancement for your company.“

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