Occupational disability insurance (bBU)

What are the risks of becoming your employee unable to work?

Mental Illnesses Musculoskeletal system Accidents Cancer dieseases Cardiovascular diseases Internal diseases Other 37% 24% 14% 9% 8% 4% 4%
Betriebliche Berufsunfähigkeitsrente (bBU)

Good health is a good business.

In today’s world, people look for jobs in companies that care about the health of their workforce. When you focus on employee health in your organization, you are better able to attract top talent and also retain your best employees.

Our occupational health insurance guarantees your financial security and peace of mind, and your employees can benefit from many offers for themselves as for their families.
When it comes to healthcare, you´re in safe hands with DVM.

Arrange a meeting

Protect yourself and your employees
if the worst comes to the worst!

We help you to keep your employees healthy and motivated!

The advantages of an occupational disability insurance

What advantages do you have as an employer?

  • Favourable contributions.
  • No additional non-wage labour costs.
  • Simplified admission procedures.
  • High level of cover so as for the managers.
  • Unique feature to attract job candidates and to enhance employee loyalty.

What advantages has the employee?

  • Immediate cover from the conclusion of the contract.
  • Occupational disability insurance based on incomes.
  • Tax-free and social security. A high security and protection through your employer.

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Betriebliche Berufsunfähigkeitsrente (bBU)
What are the risks of becoming your employee unable to work?

Occupational disability insurance (bBU)

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